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2023年09月03日 19:13


1 The most beautiful thing in the world is not always money or success but the company of good people and the pursuit of happiness - Socrates 2 You are not your job You are the person who解決問題 - Ira Glass 3 To truly know a person you must see them from their own point of view - Martin Luther King Jr 4 Life is a journey not a destination - Leonardo da Vinci 5 The only way to truly learn is to teach - Socrates 6 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - Leonardo da Vinci 7 The only way to be happy is to be happy for others - Jesus Christ 8 The most important thing in life is not what you have but what you are - Socrates 9 All成功本質(zhì)上是一樣的都是對人性弱點的挑戰(zhàn)。 - Heidegger 10 If you want to know what love is look inside your own heart - Confucius
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